Friday, November 4, 2011

Hybridization Recap

I would like to go through a quick recap of hybridization for bonding.

  • A single bond always involves only a sigma bond. A sigma bond is between two hybridized orbitals or a hybridized orbital with a non-hybridized 1s orbital of a hydrogen atom.

  • A double bond always involves a sigma bond and pi bond. The pi bond originates from two non-hybridized p orbitals overlapping.

  • A triple bond always involves a sigma bond and two pi bonds.

  • Ligands are either covalent bonds or non-bonding electron pairs. A single covalent bond, double covalent bond, or triple covalent bond are all considered one ligand.

  • sp^3 hybridization is required when four ligands surround an atom. The hybridized orbitals can be used for sigma bonds or to hold non-bonding electron pairs. Associated with the tetrahedral parent geometry.

  • sp^2 hybridization is required when three ligands surround an atom. The hybridized orbitals can be used for sigma bonds or to hold non-bonding electron pairs. Associated with the trigonal planar parent geometry.

  • sp hybridization is required when two ligands surround an atom. The hybridized orbitals can be used for sigma bonds or to hold non-bonding electron pairs. Associated with the linear parent geometry.

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