Thursday, March 22, 2012

Solutions to Buffer Problems

Below are the solutions to AP Buffer problems #3 through #5. I know that I said that I would only supply the solutions to #3 and #4, but I liked a couple of the aspects of #5. One aspect of #5 is part b when the Kb value is to be calculated, but no concentrations are given to do this. This can be accomplished by knowing the weak acid that the base came from. Kw can be divided by Ka to determine the Kb. Tomorrow's quiz is another old AP Chemistry free-response question dealing with acid-base equilibrium with a focus on buffers. There will also be a question on determination of acid strength. Remember, this can be determined by knowing the Ka value or the structure of the acid. The structure, to be a "stronger" weak acid is to either have more oxygens or a more electronegative element in the acid structure. Come see me before class if you have any further questions. Remember, there is a study session tomorrow at 6:30 a.m.

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