Friday, February 3, 2012

Snow Day! Snow Day!

I hope everyone took the opportunity to sleep in. Great thing about this snow day is we can accomplish everything needed to get ready for Monday's Chapter 14 and 21 exam from the comfort of our own homes. Please periodically keep coming back to blog for information over the weekend. I will be doing the following:
  1. I will post a pdf copy of the practice exam on the Events Calendar if you did not get a copy in class. It will be under the date Friday, February 3rd.
  2. I will post a solutions guide to the practice exam on the blog. Look for that either later today or tomorrow (Saturday, 2/4).
  3. I will post a detailed explanation of the exam later on the blog. The test will be both multiple choice and free-response / written questions from old AP Chemistry exams.
  4. All VODCasts for the work packets (Chapters 21 and 14) given have been posted on the Events Calendar. They exist in the months of January and February, so you will have to go between the two months. I will be collecting the packets on Monday and giving you credit for completing the packets. Please do not just copy answers, but actually try to work the problems. The work packets are your best means of preparing for the exam.
  5. I had hoped to return your take home quizzes to you today in class. Even though I cannot do that, I will be posting the solutions on the blog later.

I will check my email regularly throughout the weekend. You can also call my cell phone. If you do not have my number, email me and I will send it to you. Have fun with your snow day. I am going sledding later.

Mr. B

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